2016-5-30 · 打卡提醒 Chrome插件 办公插件 2015-03-01 20:44:39 妈妈再也不用担心忘记打卡了 这是一个考勤提醒工具 妈妈再也不用担心忘记打卡了 ## 无痛打卡,你值得拥有 1. 打开 Chrome 浏览器,进入 `工具-扩展程序` 2. 将源文件中的 `dakaji.crx` 拖到扩展程度

Enable-disable plugins and extensions for Google Chrome 2014-12-1 · Browser plugins To disable plugins Click the Chrome menu icon !chrome settings.jpg alt="chrome settings"! in the upper right of the browser toolbar. Toward the bottom of the list, click the link to Show advanced settings. chrome.browserAction - Google Chrome The browser action icons in Chrome are 16 dips (device-independent pixels) wide and high. Larger icons are resized to fit, but for best results, use a 16-dip square icon. You can set the icon in two ways: using a static image or using the HTML5 canvas element . Remove Chrome Extensions that are Installed by Your

2014-12-1 · Browser plugins To disable plugins Click the Chrome menu icon !chrome settings.jpg alt="chrome settings"! in the upper right of the browser toolbar. Toward the bottom of the list, click the link to Show advanced settings.

Thus, you can easily disable chrome extensions or remove google chrome addons from Settings. You may also be interested in checking out: How to Clear Cache in Google Chrome Remove Chrome Extension using Right-Click. You can simply use the right-click remove option to delete Google chrome …

Remove or Disable Chrome Extension. Now, if you would like to remove a certain extension, the fastest way would bo to right-click its icon in the top bar, and then choose “Remove from Chrome

2020-7-2 · Here you can delete Chrome extensions, adjust Chrome extension settings, enable or disable Chrome extensions, as well as see details about your addons. To remove Chrome extensions, click the x in the top-right corner.